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A Very Effective Acne Medication

PanOxyl preparations are a great and very effective medication against  mild to moderate acne. On it's own or in combination with other medications, you will have a very potent remedy against most stubborn acne out breaks and help to prevent new ones breaking out.

Panoxyl is a very effective medication in the treatment of mild to moderate acne (Acne grades I to III). It is a brand of the medication called Benzoyl peroxide.

In combination with an antibiotic cream or retinoid, it is also effective against even very severe forms of acne.

Panoxyl or benzoyl peroxide primarily works by peeling off the top layer of the skin, opening up pores blocked by sebum plug.

It also act by being able to penetrate the skin and reach the dermis. Once there, it exerts an antibacterial action against, and eliminates the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes that causes local inflammation and rupture of the hair follicle - a culprit in developing red painful pimples.

Unlike other antibiotics, the use of Benzoyl peroxide does not lead to the development of antibiotic resistance by the bacteria that causes acne.

How It Comes

Panoxyl comes in various strengths and formulations. You can get it as:

They could also come in as 2.5%, 5%, 10%, and 20% strengths.

Doctors often advice that you should begin the treatment of your acne with the lowest strength preparation of this medication - which is the 2.5% strength Benzoyl Peroxide and gradually build up. Most people find out that by the time they get to 5% strength, and use this for 1-2 months, their acne would have gotten better.

If after 3 month of use of this medication and there is no marked improvement, it's time to seek an expert advice.

A combination of Benzoyl peroxide and an antibiotic as well as a retinoid often gives even better result for treatment of acne.

How To Use Panoxyl

Whether you are using the cream or wipes or Aquagel, it is recommended that you follow the instruction on the enclosed leaflet, unless otherwise instructed by your health care provider.

Usually, Panoxyl should be applied to your face, chest or anywhere affected by acne, twice daily, ideally after washing the area with soap and warm water.

To get the best result, this is how to use Panoxyl:

  • Start using it once daily - preferably last thing to put on your face at night before going to bed. As mentioned above, always watch your face with a mild face cleanser before applying Panoxyl
  •  Keep the medication away from contact with your eyes, mouth or genitals. Always watch your hands after applying it to the affected area of your body
  • It is typical for Benzoyl Peroxide to cause dryness and burning of the face and neck within the first few days of use. It also causes irritation. Do not stop using it. If you persist, it gets better within a week or two more.
  • Some people may be allergic to the component of this medication. If you suspect that you may be allergic to Benzoyl peroxide, do not use it. Contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Side Effects

This is a relatively safe medicine. The side effects of Panoxyl are mainly:

  1. Skin irritation, redness, and dryness
  2. True allergic reaction in very very few individuals
  3. Bleaching of hair and colored fabrics
  4. Staining of clothes, bedding and other items it is in contact with

Care must be taken to avoid contact with the eyes, inside of the nose, mouth, tip of the genitals and open wound.

Where irritation, redness and or peeling of the skin occurs during usage, reduce the frequency of use to about once daily, or once every other day, and if still irritating, stop it all together for s few days and then start again, with the lesser strength. This side effect with low dose preparation is rare, and occurs in less than 1 out of a 100 users.

Panoxyl is relatively safe to be used during pregnancy and breast feeding. About 2%  the total drug used gets to the blood stream. Only use if the benefit of using this medication outweighs the risk.

It can also be used with caution during breast feeding. There are no clear evidence that this medication gets into the breast milk in any significant amount, or that it is dangerous.

Where To Buy Panoxyl

You can buy Panoxyl over the counter in most countries, as a prescription is not needed. Why not go to your local chemist and ask for Benzoyl peroxide - the chemical name for Panoxyl.

If you want to, you can buy panoxyl online from carefully selected reputable pharmacies online and get it delivered to your door in days.

If you are in North America, you can get Panoxyl 10% Acne Foaming Wash 5.5 Oz (3 Pack) here.

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