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Online Weight Loss Doctor Program To Help You Lose Weight

Join our online weight loss doctor coaching program and reach your desired weight loss goal sooner. Read reviews from happy clients who have succeeded with our online weight loss program. Enrol now. 

Online weight loss doctor coaching programThe online weight loss doctor coaching program is done completely online from the comfort of your home.

We get it. Losing weight and keeping it off could be more challenging for some than for others. That explains why over 70% of Americans are overweight according to latest reports.

You do everything in the books to lose weight – from dieting to exercising and everything in between with no lasting result. To say it is frustrating is an understatement.

I know the feeling.

No. It is not always about motivation. It is not just about counting calories or eating less and exercising more.

If the science of weight loss was that simple, we will all be within our desired weight brackets. That friend or neighbour of ours who gulps down a big Mac or KFC chicken by the bucket, and wash it down with a giant bottle of soda, will not remain as slender as a string.

Everyone of us knows people like that – no matter what they eat, they just do not seem to put on weight!

  • We want to be able to run around the block without running out of wind.
  • We want to take the weight off our lower back, hips and knees and be free of weight induced arthritis.
  • We want to sleep well at night and not wake up gasping for air because we have developed sleep apnea due to our weight.
  • We want to reduce our snoring caused by the excess pounds.
  • We want to improve our chances of getting fertile and conceive.
  • We want to reduce our risk for heart disease, erectile dysfunction, colon cancer, kidney disease, breast cancer, diabetes, and more.
  • Or maybe it is just to be able to fit into that cherished wedding gown passed down by your grandmother for your special occasion. Or for your upcoming vacation?

Whatever the reason is, losing weight is certainly worth it.

Why An Online Weight Loss Doctor?

We all know the immense health benefits that come from losing weight. Just a 5 to 10% weight loss will help improve:

  • Mental clarity
  • Sleep 
  • Joint pain
  • Sugar level
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol level
  • Heart diseases
  • Fertility
  • Endurance
  • Cancer risk
  • Longevity
  • And more. 

So. Yes. There are strong reasons for us to want to lose weight. 

If you have ever been to see your own doctor to discuss your weight loss goals, you are probably familiar with the common one-liner of “do more exercise and eat more healthily.”

It is not because your doctor does not know what to do, it is often because they lack enough time for the focused consultation and support you require to achieve your weight loss goals.

The support an online weight loss doctor coaching program brings is unparalleled in terms of weight loss success, compared to if you decide to do it yourself.  In a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research in 2017, up to 9.46 percent of total body weight was lost by a group of overweight individuals who had digital health coaching, compared to only and average of 2.47 percent total body weight loss in another group in the same study who had no such support.

A lot of studies across various healthcare end goals show that getting support to help achieve a desired goal increases your chance of success by up to 4 folds. Thus, well designed and executed online weight loss doctor coaching support programs are worth their value both in gold and life.

With our online weight-loss coaching program, you will be able to have a detailed personalized assessment to establish:

  • What your current weight and BMI is
  • What your weight-loss goals are
  • Why you really want to lose weight
  • You will be able to share with us all what you have done so far to lose weight
  • What you suspect might have been stopping you from achieving your goals

Once we have that personalized understanding of your particular situation, we will then:

  • Order relevant blood tests that will help us understand your peculiar biochemistry and hormone profile
  • If required, we will also explore other cutting edge tests that checks your gut bacteria type and genetics
  • Review your specialized test results and create a personalized weight loss plan tailored to addressing our findings

Our online weight loss doctor will do all these with you from the comfort of your home or office or even on the move. So you do not have travel.

Our online weight-loss coaching is discreet and you will always be treated in a non-judgemental professional and courteous manner because we have been where you are now and know firsthand what it is to struggle with weight matters.

What Does The Program Involve? 

The goal over the next 12 weeks after the initial assessment is to get you to lose 5 to 10 % of your current body weight and hand you valuable tips and tools to help you keep the weight off permanently.

The program includes:

  • An overview of why we put on weight and an exploration of where your weight gain might have come from
  • Using your current BMI and eating pattern, we will arrive at how much weight you should lose and how to get there
  • You will be provided with personalized weight loss plan
  • We will do a diet plan that suits your lifestyle
  • Your physical activity tolerance will be assessed and we will craft a physical activity plan to suit you that will encourage you exercise at your own pace and enjoy it
  • If you are one of the few that will benefit from weight loss medication prescription, we will advise you on the best weight loss pill or combination that will work best for you based on your personal profile
  • You will get a workbook, personalized diet plan and support to ensure your success
  •  We will do a weekly call to monitor progress, review strategies, provide personalized guidance and accountability.

Important Take Away From The Online Weight Loss Doctor Program

As a quick preview of what you will learn and build upon, at the end of the online weight loss doctor program, you will be able to understand:

  • Common mindsets and beliefs that contribute to weight gain
  • How upbringing, family environments and choices, myths might have contributed to making weight loss difficult for you and tools to address these
  • The role of genetics, metabolism, pre-existing health conditions play in weight loss success
  • The contribution of sleep, stress, social circumstances, cravings and reward management in weight loss
  • Misconceptions about weight loss and how to succeed without needing to follow common weight loss fads like calories counting, starvation, dieting, or unsustainable exercises and lifestyles 
  • Diets and foods that help you lose weight that you already enjoy and those you need to limit or eliminate to help you achieve your goal
  • The truth about intermittent fasting and how to use it to your advantage
  • How to boost your metabolism up to 30% or more using simple tricks to help you succeed in this journey. 
  • Weight loss medications that works and role of bariatric surgery in the weight loss arsenal
  • How to consolidate and maintain your desired personalized weight loss goal long term. 

Contact us now about this program. 

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