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Find out more about Dr Edema - Family Physician, Men's Health Expert and Weight Loss Doctor, with years of experience working in the UK and Canada.
Medical School:
Postgraduate Studies:
Omatseye Edema MD, MSc, CCFP, MRCGP, DRCOG.
Dr Edema has over 20 years’ experience (spent some 15 years of those, in the UK) working in the Canadian and UK healthcare systems, and can easily bring an international perspective into his coaching and online consultations.
He is a published author, health coach and currently the medical director of a clinic in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
He is both UK and Canadian medical boards registered.
As listed above, he holds a master’s degree from the University of Westminster London and did his postgraduate medical training, working in hospitals in London (King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill London) and Essex (Basildon and Thurrock University Teaching Hospital and Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex), all in the UK.
He has undertook further postgraduate training courses in Canada over the years, including training at the department of Gynecology at the Foothills Hospital, Calgary.
He has memberships of the Royal College of General Practitioners UK (MRCGP), Canadian College of Family Physicians (CCFP), as well as diploma of the Royal College of Gynaecologists (DRCOG), UK.
He is also a member of the British Liver Society.
I am primarily a Family Physician with specialist interest in men's health.
I help men understand and management conditions including:
But as a Primary Care or Family Physician, I do more. I have patients and families I help health optimization and treatments.
And with the increasing evidence that:
I developed increasing interest in nutritional medicine and have been championing this with my patients. I am also interested in weight loss, sleep and exercise optimization to ensure optimal performance for my patients.
When not thinking about my patients and practical things I could do to optimize their health holistically, I spend time with my dear wife and four lovely children. We love people, places and history and when we can, we travel around the world, exploring other cultures, archeology and history.
I love reading.
I also find time to contribute to online journals and blogs.
Nothing interests me more than existential matters - the meaning of life, how we got here, why we as humans cannot solve our problems despite the avalanche of teachers and knowledge out there on almost every conceivable issue and where our respite would come from.
I truly look forward to the time when "no resident would say I am sick".
May that time come soon.
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